Friday, March 2, 2012

What causes tooth discoloration?

Tooth discoloration can be caused by a variety of internal and external factors. Common everyday products such as tea, coffee, red wine and cola can cause brownish stains on teeth depending on the frequency of exposure and the amount you’re exposed to. Prevalent tobacco use can also lead to tooth discoloration. Typically external staining can be reduced by home bleaching or in-office tooth whitening.

Discoloration can also be caused by internal issues, including tooth trauma, decay and cavities. In the case of trauma, a single tooth or several affected teeth may end up noticeably darkened over a period of time (months or several years) because of blocked or damaged blood vessels. This type of staining can be reversed in some cases by internal bleaching (after a root canal is completed to remove the dead blood vessels). 

Staining can also occur from taking tetracycline (an antibiotic) during the development of your teeth or if your mother took tetracycline during her pregnancy. This type of staining cannot be reversed by bleaching, but there are several options available to whiten your smile.

Dr. Sylvie M. Ho
Neibauer Dental Care – Warrenton
Call for an appointment today:  (540) 347-9364

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I was told that I should get sealants on my child’s teeth. What are they and are they necessary?

Sealants are a thin plastic coating which is painted on children’s teeth to help prevent decay.  Sealants help prevent tooth decay by coating the surface of the teeth so that plaque does not accumulate on the tooth.

Process for applying sealants:
  • The teeth are thoroughly cleaned.
  • The teeth are dried and cotton is placed around the teeth. 
  •  A solution is put on the teeth which makes the surface of the teeth a little rough. 
    •   The roughness of the tooth will allow the sealant to adhere to the teeth better.
  •   The teeth are rinsed and dried. New clean dry cotton is placed around the teeth. 
  •    The sealant is painted onto the teeth. The sealant hardens in a few seconds. The cotton is removed.
The back teeth or molars have deep grooves which allow food to accumulate and subsequently plaque.  Since younger children do not always have the skills to clean their back teeth, this is where decay usually is seen. Sealants will cover the areas to prevent this. As a child grows to adulthood, they are better able to clean their back teeth, which is why it is not a standard procedure for adults.

Sealants last about 10 years. It is advised to continue regular checkups to ensure that the sealant has not chipped or worn away. If this has happened, either the dentist or hygienist can easily repair this by applying more sealant material.

Dr. Vaidehi Mehta
Neibauer Dental Care Orthodontics - Prince Frederick, VA
Call for an appointment today: (410) 535-0296

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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Right Time for an Orthodontic Evaluation: No Later Than Age 7

Even though most people think of pre-teens and teens when they think of orthodontics, there are good reasons your child should have an orthodontic evaluation much sooner. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), recommends a checkup with an orthodontist no later than age 7. At our office, we typically tell our parents: Third Grade. At this time, the incisors and molars are erupting and the orthodontist can evaluate your child's occlusion.

Early treatment may give your orthodontist the chance to:
1) guide proper jaw growth
2) lower the risk of trauma to protruded teeth
3) correct harmful habits or crossbite
4) improve appearance, self-esteem, and speech
5) eliminate crowding and avoid extractions.

In essence, Phase I treatment lays down the proper foundation.

If you are considering Phase I treatment for your child, consider looking for an orthodontist in your area who participates with your insurance plan and provides convenient hours. Most orthodontists offer complimentary consultations.

Please feel free to respond with any questions or requests for any future information.

Dr. Neal Kravitz
Neibauer Dental Care Orthodontics - White Plains, VA
Call for an appointment today: (301) 632-5480

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Always consult your dentist for options to your particular dental needs.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

아름다운 미소를 위한 깨끗하고 하얀 치아의 관리

미소는 상대방에게 호감을 주고 시간이 흘러도 오래 기억될 있게 한다. 그렇다면  아름다운 미소를 얻기 위해서는 무엇이 필요할까. 무엇보다 중요한 것이 바로 희고 가지런한 치아일 것이다. 그래서인지 미백치료를 원하는 환자의 내원이 점점 늘고 있다. 치아의 변색 또는 착색의 원인를 알면 예방을 할 수 있을 것이다.  흔히 먹는 음식 중에서 우리의 치아를 변색시키는 원인을 찾을 수있다. 치아를 변색시키는 음식이나 음료에는 어떠한 것이 있을까.

흡연을 하게 되면 법랑질과 상아질에 담배 착색물질이 붙어 이가 누렇게 변색된다. 오랜 시간 흡연을 하게 되면 니코틴의 검은 때가 치아 사이사이에 끼어 충치가 발생한 것처럼 보이기도 한다. 이런 치아 변색은 양치질을 올바르게 하거나 담배를 끊는다 하더라도 원래 색깔로 돌아가지 않으므로 담배를 다른 영향과 더불어 변색예방을 위해서도 절제해야한다.

블랙커피와 홍차는 치아 착색이 가장 되는 음료 하나이다. 스타벅스의 수만큼 미백제가 팔린다는 말이 있을 정도이다  커피와 홍차의 씁쓸한 맛을 내는 탄닌 성분의 검정 색소는 단백질 성분과 결합해 치아를 벽색시킨다. 또한 차가 너무 뜨거우면 착색이 더 쉽게 일어나므로 적정한 온도에서 마시는 것이 좋다. 우유를 많이 넣은 라떼나 허브티는 에스프레소나 홍차보다 착색이 덜 일어난다.

와인은 우리가 자주 경험하는 강한 착색제이다  최근에는 화이트 와인도 치아를 변색시킨다는 연구 결과가 발표됐다. 레드와인과 화이트와인에 공동적으로 함유된 폴리페놀은 항산화 효과를 가지고 있다. 바로 폴리페놀 때문에 치아변색이 일어난다. 폴리페놀이 치아의 에나멜을 벗겨 치아의 상아질에  다른 색소나 음식물이 쉽게 침투하게 만든다. 때문에 치아 착색이 진행된다

카레에 노란색 커큐민 성분은 착색력이 무척 뛰어나다. 특히 카레는 액체, 고체 상태로 섭취하기 때문에 입안에 닿는 면적이 넓고 음식물을 삼켜도 카레의 커큐민 성분은 내려가지 않고 입안에 머물기 쉽다. 그러므로 카레음식을 먹고 후에는 치아착색이 일어나기 전에 물로 가시거나 양치하는 것이 좋다

당분과 산도로 역시 치아 착색을 일으킬 수 있다  색이 없는 레몬에이드도 치아표면을 부식시켜 역시 간접적으로 착색을 유발하는 환경을 조성한다. 평상시 크랜베리, 블랙베리나 당근쥬스를 즐긴다면 마신후 물로 입안을 가시는것이 좋겠다

치태는 음식을 섭취함과 동시에 생기는 불가피한 물질이다 치태는 음식과 박테리아의 결합체로 치아에 결합한후 산을 생성하며 역시 치아표면을 변색시키는 환경을 조성한다.치태의 관리는 올바른 잇솔질과 정기적인 치과 클리닝으로 충분히 관리할수있겠다

미백제는 치아를 희게하는데 어찌 착색의 원인이 될까.
물론 치아 미백제가 치아를 희게 만드는것은 사실이다. 그러나 대부분의 미백제는 치아게 미세하게 표면을 변화시키고 이곳에 미백효과를 갖도록한다. 만약 미백후 착색을 일으키는 음식이나 음료에 대한 관리가 소홀하고 그 사용방법등이 적절치 않으면  역시 착색을  더 쉽게 만든다. 그러므로 미백치료를 하고 그 효과를 오래 유지하고 싶다면  그방법과 유지가 올바라야 하며 그 관리를 철저히 해야 미백치료를 유지할 수 있다.

치아의 착색을 치료하고 싶다면 무조건 미백을 원하기보단 착색의 원인을 알아내고 보존적인 방법으로 접근하고 예방을 한다면 자연스럽고 하얀 미소를 유지할수 있을 것이다.

Dr. Eunghwan Kim
Neibauer Dental Care - Fairfax, VA
Call for an appointment today: (703) 359-2879

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Always consult your dentist for options to your particular dental needs.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What exactly is a root canal?

A root canal is basically a procedure which involves creating an opening into the tooth and cleaning out the nerves of the tool along with any present tooth decay/cavity. A root canal can be required for a variety of reasons including: an abscessed/dead tooth, a cavity which is wearing or has reached the nerve of the tooth, and/or for preventative measures if a crown is to be placed on the tooth.

Specifically, in a root canal, once the tooth has been accessed, and the canal and nerves of the tooth are visible, the dentist will use special files to clean out any bacteria and debris from these canals. Teeth can have a single or multiple canals.  Once the canals are thoroughly cleared of infections or nerve material a rubbery material called Gutta Percha is used to fill and seal the canals. This completes the root canal procedure.  The final step should include restoration of the tooth. A tooth that has had a root canal is often prone to cracking. To prevent this, a crown is secured over the tooth.

People are often fearful of a root canal being extremely painful.  This is something that you should not worry about.  A root canal is preformed with a local anesthetic just like getting a filling. Most patients do not feel anymore discomfort than they would with a filling.  If you feel discomfort, immediately contact your dentist.

 Dr. Anantpreet Kaur
Neibauer Dental Care
Make an appointment online.

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Information contained in this site is general and educational. Only a medical professional can provide advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a dental care need, please contact one of our offices to schedule an appointment.