Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What’s the difference between silver and tooth-colored fillings? Is one better than the other? What are each made from?

A silver filling is called an “Amalgam” filling.  It is composed of silver, tin, mercury, and copper, among other metals. Amalgam fillings require more drilling of the tooth. This method does not bond to the tooth and requires the amalgam filling be lock in mechanically.

A tooth-colored filling is called a “Composite” filling. It has no metal and is composed of bisphenol A-glycidyl metacrylate, urethane dimethacrylate, and silicon dioxide. Composite fillings bond directly to the tooth structure unlike the amalgam filling. They also require less drilling of the tooth to accept the filling.

Many people prefer the composite filling since it is the same color as the tooth. This provides a more natural look to your teeth.  Amalgam fillings are visible when you open your mouth widely.

They are equally effective in filling the space left from cleaning of the cavity from the tooth.  They also last the same amount of time.

Dr. Justin Neibauer
Neibauer Dental Care - Harrison Crossing
Call for an appointment today: 
(540) 548-3602 

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